World University Service of Canada (WUSC) Sri Lanka, together with IPM and the National Chamber of Commerce, had a National Event on Diversity and Inclusion Human Resource Toolkit for MSMEs in October 2018 at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute. Ms. Manique Gunaratne of The Employers’ Federation of Ceylon was a panelist to discuss about issues pertaining integrating youth with different needs into diverse workforce. Professor Maithree Wickramasinghe was the chief guest.

The Diversity and Inclusion Human Resource Toolkit is developed for MSMEs for employing women and youth into workforce and it offers information on nine different components of human resource development in the workplace. The objective of the toolkit is to improve the productivity of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) by developing a simple HR system and good, inclusive HR practices to accommodate youth and women into workforce. Thereby create a better, conducive, harassment free workplace for young men and women in Sri Lanka.


Picture descriptions for vision impaired persons:

1 Manique at the panel.

2 Manique with Prof. Maithree Wickramasinghe.

3 Manique conducting a session.

4 Manique speaking at the panel.

5 Distant view of the panel.


Manique Gunaratne

Vice President – Rehab Lanka Sports Club for Persons with Disabilities

Author: Manique