Human rights commission of sri lanka convened a meeting on civil society to discuss the implementation of united nations convention of rights of persons with disabilities

Human rights commission of sri lanka convened a meeting on civil society to discuss the implementation of united nations convention of rights of persons with disabilities


Since the government of Sri Lanka has ratified the United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) on 8 February 2016, the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka in line with the powers rested in the commission as per sections 10C and 10D of the of the Human Rights Commission Act no. 21 of 1966, convened a meeting to discuss the establishment of a mechanism for the implementation of the UN Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities through the enactment of enabling national legislations and policies adhering to international standards at the Human Rights Commission in February 2016. In this regard the Human Rights Commission shared a background paper on the issue which set out the current context including the status of advocacy efforts with those from the disable community, persons and organizations working for persons with disabilities or disability issues and academics and professionals who have been working on disability rights. This consultative forum was to discuss advocacy efforts and moving forward with stakeholders including persons with disabilities, organisations / individuals who works on disability rights or persons with disabilities. Ms. Manique Gunaratne of The Employers’ Federation of Ceylon Network on Disability participated at this forum.


Manique Gunaratne

Tel. – 0094112867966

Author: Manique