The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka is implementing the project on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Emergencies which was designed to address implementation gaps of the Minimum Initiative Service Package (MISP) for SRH during emergencies. SPRINT project is at the forefront of addressing these needs and gaps and the activities carried out by IPPF member associations, Ministry of Disaster Management and Disaster Relief Services Centre, Ministry of Health, international and local relief agencies as well as UN agencies. Especially, the SPRINT is closely engaged with Family Health Bureau and Disaster Management Centre.

By year 2019, the project has more activities focused on inclusion of persons with disability. Ms. Manique Gunaratne of The Employers’ Federation of Ceylon was nominated as a member with a disability for SPRINT steering committee in May 2019.


Manique Gunaratne

CISCO International Trainer for I T E (Information Technology Essentials) and CCNA (Cisco Computer Network Associates)


Author: Manique