In October 2013, Ms. Manique Gunaratne of The Employers’ Federation of Ceylon Network on Disability and General Secretary of the Sri Lanka Federation of the Visually Handicapped (2010 to 2015) together with the officials of the Sri Lanka Federation of the Visually Handicapped had a meeting with the President of Sri Lanka 2005 to 2015) Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksha to mark the International White Cane Day. The officers who attended the meeting received the first set of white canes from the President.


Picture descriptions for vision impaired persons:

1 Group photograph with the president.

group pic with president

2 Manique receiving the white cane from the president.

manique with president 1

3 Discussion with the president.

discussion _MG_0515



Manique Gunaratne

E-mail –


Author: Manique