MyRight Sri Lanka supports projects and programmes that help to make the disability organisations in Sri Lanka stronger, more democratic and able to

Participate in social development. Establishing strong organisations provides persons with disabilities with greater opportunities to be their own agents

For change and to represent their members.

All MyRight’s activities take a rights perspective and are rooted in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which was adopted in

  1. According to the Convention, it is not the individual who should have to adapt to the existing society – it is up to society to change so that it

Is more inclusive.

MyRight Sri Lanka organized a residential workshop on “Media” for persons with diverse disabilities at the Sarvodaya Education Development Centre in Bandaragama in June 2016. Different aspects of media was discussed at this workshop. Ms. Manique Gunaratne of The Employers’ Federation of Ceylon Network on Disability made a presentation on “How to use social media to promote rights of persons with disabilities”.


Picture descriptions for vision impaired persons:

1 Manique making a presentation.

manique making presentation 2

2 Manique explaining about social media.

manique making presentation

3 Participants at the workshop.



Manique Gunaratne

Fax – 0094112867946



Author: Manique